Recent Developments to the Indian Arbitration Landscape: Proposed Amendments to the Indian Arbitration Act and the 2024 India-UAE BIT
5 Jun
18:00 - 19:30
N/A (eg a multi-practice area theme or practical topic such as wellbeing)
The Indian arbitration landscape is constantly shifting, with 2024 turning out to be an eventful year. India has entered a new BIT with the UAE – one of its key trading partners – which diverges from the Indian Model BIT in several key areas. It also began public consultation on the draft Arbitration and Conciliation (Amendment) Bill, 2024, which seeks to introduce a number of changes to the Indian Arbitration Act. During this discussion, the expert panel will discuss the impact of both developments.
- Steven Finizio - Partner (WilmerHale)
- Shanelle Irani - Counsel (WilmerHale)
- Mrinal Jain - Managing Director (Secretariat)
- Nitesh Jain - Partner (Trilegal)
- Sapna Jhangiani KC - (Blackstone Chambers)
- Kiran Sequeira, - Managing Director (Secretariat)
- Farhas Sorabjee - JSA
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- Wilmerhale LLP
- Secretariat